
Monday, February 13, 2012


I'm not going to do a "Valentine Post"....I've learned in life that you need to show the ones you love that you love them everyday....not just on February 14th.

My husband and I kiss each other hello and goodnight....we tell each other that we love one another.

In 2009 he was in Iraq on Valentine's Day and that was a true lesson of feeling a void in your heart.  He made arrangements for me to have red roses delivered to the house.  Very sweet, but I really would have just loved to have him at my doorstep.

2010 I gave birth to my 5th child...a gift of love  to each other.

2011 we took a trip away alone, and we realized how every now and then you need to get away and focus on one another.

This year 2012, we have so many things going on...he is going through an exhausting academy.  I'm expecting baby #6 w/ some slight complications.  In addition,  I have about 4 weeks before I open the doors to my childhood own shop.

So today will be just any other day for us, but as long as we both know that he will always be my


I don't forget my 5 beautiful children....they also know that I love them, and they in turn show me they love me just the same.


1 comment:

  1. ..and I love you too MJ! ;) God will carry you and be with you! I truly believe there is a plan...and a little soul has joined the glories of heaven!


God don't like ugly! Neither do if you dont have something nice to say.....keep it to yourself!