
Monday, July 19, 2010

I wanted to post today a big thank you to Melissa from Keep Calm and Decorate (awesome blog). I recently discovered her blog and entered her giveaway for a $40.00 gift certificate to CSN stores.  And........I WON!  I couldnt believe it when I got her email.  I got all excited and was like (OMG...shut up! I won!)  my husband who was sitting nearby asked who I was talking to and of course it was the laptop (lol)   So I had to explain the whole story (I havent pulled him into my blogworld yet, its hard enough getting him to help with the decorating world...he's so busy).

I placed my order yesterday, and although I didnt order the item I originally intended on I ordered 2 items that I really need and that will complete my little kitchen makeover Part II. lol   I will post the items once they arrive in the mail.

Thanks again to Melissa....I encourage you all to click on over to her blog at

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you won and you got to get some items to finish your kitchen! Also, thank you for the shout out. :)


God don't like ugly! Neither do if you dont have something nice to say.....keep it to yourself!